3 common fruits that help you last long in bed

​Have always said it and would continue to. The easiest way to completely get rid of premature ejaculation is this: A healthy diet + regular exercising + natural supplements. It is as simple as that, part of having a clean and healthy diet is the fruits you take in. Most of us dont even take … Continue reading 3 common fruits that help you last long in bed

Tips To Remember What You Read

Despite television, cell phones, and Twitter, traditional reading is still an important skill. Whether it is school textbooks, magazines, or regular books, people still read, though not as much as they used to. One reason that many people don’t read much is that they don’t read well. For them, it is slow, hard work and … Continue reading Tips To Remember What You Read

10 Business Ideas for Students in Nigeria

​Being a student in Nigeria is not cheap. You have to pay for books and handouts, make photocopies, pay for transportation, accommodation and feeding as well as a whole lot of other expenses. Considering the fact that most Nigerian parents are within the middle and low income bracket, it is doubtful that students would be … Continue reading 10 Business Ideas for Students in Nigeria